About "Altech" LLC
"Altech" LLC, which has been operating for about 4 years, has expanded its activities in the modern market. By contacting us, you can always count on a professional approach and mutually beneficial terms.
"Altech" company, mainly specializing in metal-plastic and aluminum doors, windows, as well as in the field of facade systems and partitions, presents high-quality products in accordance with European standards. At the same time, cooperating with the leading organizations in this field, it always presents original, modern, stylish and original solutions that will satisfy even the most capricious customer's wishes.

Զուգահեռաբար , համագործակցելով այս ոլորտի առաջատար կազմակերպությունների հետ , մշտապես ներկայանում է ինքնատիպ , արդիական , նորաոճ և օրիգինալ լուծումներով , որը կբավարարի նույնիսկ ամենաքմահաճ հաճախորդի ցանկությունները:
What problems do we solve?
How do we work?
We complete the work cycle ourselves, which allows us to properly distribute time, ensure price-quality ratio.
According to statistics, more than 50% of customers return or recommend to friends.
Within 36 months from the moment of installation, we provide free services և eliminate any defects that arise over time.
Saving the time of our customers, the employees of our company are ready to "approach the time on the customer's preferred day with samples", perform the measurement on the spot and fill in all the documents.